We had the opportunity to interview these amazing subjects for the documentary. They all shared their expertise on Funk music, Funk history, and Music education. We are pleased to introduce them to you.
David Webb
Founder and CEO of the Funk Music Hall of Fame & Exhibition Center.
Merle Wilberding
Attorney for The Ohio Players.
Keith Harrison
Member of Faze-O, Heatwave, and Dazz Band. Grammy Award winner for song "Let it Whip."
Troutman Brothers
Lester Troutman Sr. and Terry Troutman. Drummer and talkbox. Keyboards & Bass for Zapp.
Kelly Dailey
Funk Lab
Owner, Director, and Choreographer at Funk Lab Dance Center.
Don Thrasher
Writer for Dayton Daily News.
Lisa Wagner
Levitt Pavilion
Executive Director of The Levitt Pavilion.
Dr. Todd Uhlman
Associate Professor of U.S. socio-cultural history at the University of Dayton.
Alex Heckman
Vice President of Dayton History.
Dr. Willie Morris
Associate Professor of Saxophone at The University of Dayton.
Derron Bell
Dayton Funk All Stars
Co-leader, Bass, and Talkbox of The Dayton Funk All Stars.
Dr. Sharon Gratto
Professor of Music and Director of the World Music Choir at The University of Dayton.
Caleb Vanden Eynden
Music Teacher
Music Teacher at Oakwood City Schools. Honors Thesis on Funk Music in Dayton, OH.
Diamond Williams
Ohio Players
James "Diamond" Williams, drummer for The Ohio Players.